Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Often women who have a consistently abnormal thermal scan are resistant to getting a mammogram when a structural test is needed. For whatever reason - be it the physician, the radiologist or the insurance company - getting an Ultrasound as the next step it usually difficult or impossible. Ideally an Ultrasound could be performed on the breast or the area of concern noted by the infrared exam. When the technician switches the imaging mode to Doppler - in order to analyze the blood flow during the exam - it helps to identify the suspicious blood flow detected by the thermogram. Doppler can determine if the circulation is consistent with normal blood vessels (by directional flow or the pulse due to heart beat) or if the flow is chaotic and abnormal, indicating a potential change in normal circulation.

The thermogram identifies changes in metabolism and the resulting change in circulation. A structural test is needed to determine if an abnormal growth is already present - or if thermography is detecting a metabolic change in advance of the structural tissue change. This is one reason that thermography and mammography act together to increase the efficacy of early detection. A serial positive thermogram with a negative mammogram warrants close observation. MRI with and without contrast is currently the ideal test to identify the neoangiogenesis associated with breast cancers. But again, the roadblock is in place to prohibit MRI unless a significant family history is present or the patient has a history of multiple biopsies and abnormal mammograms with negative biopsies. Cost of this test is one reason that insurance companies usually withhold precertification when it is requested. Even if a patient wanted to self-pay for the test it is withheld.

For these reasons – I’ve been encouraging women with repeatedly abnormal thermal scans to consider another option for early detection. This option is not medical imaging, but the detection of very significant protein markers found in the Cancer Profile exam (blood and urine analysis) conducted by American Metabolic Laboratory of Hollywood Florida. This very sensitive test can identify multiple markers – that when elevated indicate the presence of cancer in the body. Having consistently abnormal thermal scans and abnormal cancer markers help the women determine how aggressive she must be in seeking medical intervention. Additionally – with negative cancer markers – the abnormal thermogram can be followed and diet and lifestyle can be altered to change hormone influence on the breasts (although this is usually the first step following abnormal thermal scans.)

Dr. Emil Schandl, Ph.D. of AML has developed and structured this analysis (Cancer Profile Plus) to find the human growth hormones associated with early cancer and other proteins and enzymes, including serum thymidine kinase – which aid in the replication of cancer cells and the metastasis of the cells to distance sites. This test is highly accurate and detects cancer in the earliest stages – usually before structural imaging detects the multiplication of abnormal cells into a tumor. Mammograms detect cancer when the cells have sufficient doubling to measure at least 200 cells. The Cancer Profile needs only 4-6 doublings (about 12-16 cells) for cells to emit enough metabolic enzymes (MMPs) for detection.

For anyone facing cancer concern via thermography or not the Cancer Profile Plus is your next step.


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